Tomaree High School

Respect • Responsibility • Success

Telephone02 4981 1444


Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.

Local enrolment area

Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.

How to enrol

If you live in our intake area and would like to apply to enrol at our school, start by submitting an online enrolment application. Online enrolment is currently only available for Australian or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.

If you are not able to apply online or you prefer not to, download the paper application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.

Online enrolment can also be used for out-of-area enrolment. Please note that out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.

Enrolment applications are finalised at the school.

For more information, visit sTpe school enrolment.

For more information, visit:

How to enrol - Year 6 into Year 7

In NSW government schools, applying to move from primary school to high school is a 2-step process that starts with an Expression of Interest. Visit the moving to high school page to learn more about the process.

  • If you have received an offer from our school for placement into Year 7 next year, the next step is to visit online enrolment to proceed with the offer and complete the enrolment application.
  • If you did not submit an expression of interest or are not eligible, visit online enrolment to start a new application to our school.
  • If you submitted your expression of interest using a paper form, or would prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form.

Moving to high school

Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.

Temporary visas and international students

The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.

Distance education

Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.

For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.



Parents may seek to enrol their child in the school of their choice.  The decision to enrol a student, and with what level of support, will depend on a number of factors including:

  • the student’s educational needs
  • the expressed desires of the parents or caregivers
  • the capacity of the school to provide the level of support services required
  • the availability of support services at alternative locations.

This policy outlines the general principles and procedures to be followed when enrolling local and non-local students at Tomaree High School.

The school has developed its enrolment policy in accordance with:

  • the principles and requirements established in Enrolment of Students in Government Schools:  A Summary and Consolidation of Policy, August 1997
  • The Education Reform Act 1990.

Enrolment ceiling

Each year the school establishes an enrolment ceiling which is based on available permanent accommodation.  In 2019 THS has 53 permanent building and 10 demountable classroomrolment ceilings (6 house the Support Unit). All permanent accommodation is at capacity.


Tomaree High School has creates a buffer to accommodate local students arriving throughout the year. This buffer is calculated annually using historical data, enrolment fluctuations and the number of families moving in and out of the local area.  Tomaree High School historically has a high transient population. Places in the buffer will not be offered to non-local students.

If spare accommodation exists, except for enrolments at the commencement of the school year, non-local placements will not be considered if they generate demand for extra staff or create disruption to school routine.

The ceiling each year is derived from the number of possible classes in each year group x 30. A buffer of 10% is allocated additional available places for out of zone will be determined after those figures are calculated. This figure fluctuates, based on local enrolments. For 2019 the 10 % buffer numbers are: Year 7-24, Year 8-21, Year 9- 24, Year 10- 21, Year 11- 19, Year 12- 17.

Non-local vacancies are subject to change as new local enrolments come into the school- current numbers may be provided on request.

Local enrolments

Parents or caregivers living in the local area who are seeking to enrol their children at Tomaree High School should contact the school for an appointment.  Students will not necessarily be enrolled immediately as the school requires time to gather information that will assist in determining the best placement for the student.


A student who moves into the intake area of Tomaree High School will be accepted provided he/she can prove permanent residency, any special needs can be met and a place is available. Three proofs of residence may be required. This will include documentation such as original copies of council rates notice, residential lease, electricity accounts, statutory declaration, Medicare letter, Centre link details, drivers license, telephone bills, (not mobile) etc.


All parents may seek to enrol their children at Tomaree High School.  A parent or caregiver seeking non-local enrolment should firstly phone the school and speak with the appropriate deputy principal to establish whether any non-local placements are available. In this case parents will need to complete a non-local enrolment application form and arrange an interview with the appropriate deputy principal, if they wish to pursue non-local enrolment.  There is no guarantee that an application for non-local enrolment will be successful. 


Schools have flexibility in determining these criteria to meet their own particular needs whilst adhering to the state wide policy.  Tomaree High School has determined that these criteria, in priority order, are:

  1. availability of appropriate staff and permanent classroom accommodation
  2. compassionate circumstances
  3. sibling already enrolled at the school
  4. proximity and access to the school
  5. safety and supervision of the students before and after school
  6. subject selection.

PLACEMENT PANEL - Non-local applications

A placement panel will be established to make recommendations on non-local enrolment applications where the number of applications are greater than the spaces available. This will consist of:

  • the principal or nominee, as chairperson, who will have a casting vote
  • at least one staff member and / or
  • school community member nominated by school’s parent organisation.
  • The placement panel should:
  • make recommendations within the context of the enrolment ceiling and the buffer retained for local students arriving later in the year
  • apply the criteria for non-local enrolment to individual cases based only on the information presented on the application form
  • record all decisions and minutes of meetings so that they are available to the Director, Educational Leadership upon request
  • provide parents with an explanation of its decision.


A waiting list will be established for unsuccessful non-local enrolment applications.  Parents will be advised if their child is on a waiting list. The waiting list is current for 1 year. The school will notify parents/carers in writing if they are unsuccessful in gaining a non-local enrolment.


If a parent wishes to appeal the decision of the placement panel it should be made in writing to the Principal who will seek to resolve the matter.  If the matter is not resolved at school level it may be referred to the Director, Educational Leadership, who will consider the appeal and make a determination.


Non-Australian students must hold a visa and may be enrolled under the conditions set out in the booklet:  Conditions for Enrolment of Non-Australian Citizens in NSW Government Schools.

  • Temporary students may be enrolled for periods specified on their visa.
  • International students studying in NSW may enrol their school aged dependents.
  • Students on a Visitor’s Visa may enrol for a maximum of three months, but must arrange their enrolment through the International Students Program (Phone 0295618209 or fax 0295618613).


Tomaree High School may offer specialist classes in Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA), Academic Extension, Sports Program or other focus area of study.  Only local students may apply for admission to these classes. Students wishing to be considered must submit separate applications. Offers of placement into specialist classes are based on ability. (More details are available from the school office.)


The principal may refuse enrolment of a student who is under suspension from another school or on the grounds of previously documented violent behaviour if there is evidence that the student has not learned the appropriate skills to manage this behaviour.

Moving overseas

Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT? 

Email to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.