Year 11 2025 and HSC 2026
Message from Deputy Principal, Trent Colley
The decision to continue to the senior years at school is obviously a very important one. Students are now required by law to stay in education until 17 years of age. At Tomaree High School we aim to ensure we support our students in providing an educational framework for them to be successful in a modern world of rapid change, and of constant technological advancements.
Our community expects higher levels of education, a greater maturity and a diverse range of skills and abilities from school leavers and job seekers. Continuing their studies to the Higher School Certificate enables young people to maintain a great deal of flexibility in choosing their future careers and life paths.
The Senior School Curriculum at Tomaree High offers a broad variety of subjects and courses, from which each student may select to suit their individual needs. In selecting subjects and courses in a pattern of study which suits their own needs, interests and abilities, it is important that students make a fully informed choice. The correct choice of subjects is vital in achieving personal success and satisfaction and in being able to pursue an appropriate career.
Whether it be transitioning from school to employment, further education such as University and TAFE, the subject selection process at Tomaree High School provides vital information for students to make sensible choices. Ask relevant questions of staff and do your research about the pathway you wish to take at and beyond school.
Mr Trent Colley