Tomaree High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school.
PBL brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture.
The initiative employs a whole-school systems approach which enhances learning outcomes for children and young people. PBL encourages positive behaviour from students, which has been shown to improve their self-concept and motivation to learn.
PBL lesson
Weekly PBL lessons are held across the entire school. The lessons are prepared by the PBL Team in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team and are delivered by teachers in the classroom. The presentations cover a diverse range of topics that reinforce the schools values - respect, responsibilty, success.
PBL Tickets - THS rewards system
A collaboration between THS students, parents and teachers has seen a new student rewards system implemented in 2020. Through the consultation process, it became clear that the students wanted to be rewarded for positive behaviour as a group and not just as individuals.
PBL Recognition Letters recognise students who go above and beyond the school's expectations. This may include outstanding assessment work, consistent application in class, helping others and voluntering within the community.