Tomaree High School

Respect • Responsibility • Success

Telephone02 4981 1444

Student Welfare & Discipline

Tomaree High School is a caring community school, seeking excellence through a commitment to relevant curriculum

Statement of Purpose

All students and teachers have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity in an environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination.

Our school is committed to promoting the highest standards of learning and behaviour. Students at Tomaree High School are provided with a quality education to enable them to learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined, tolerant, enterprising and contributing members of the school and community.

This policy is consistent with legal and departmental requirements, is based on the principles of fairness. It was developed within a framework of student welfare. Staff, parents and students have been consulted to ensure that it reflects the needs and values of our school community.

Tomaree High School takes a positive approach to student discipline. Our discipline policy identifies core rules and practices that support quality teaching and learning. It sets clear limits, recognises and promotes positive behaviour and applies consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviour.

Tomaree High School has adopted Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) core values of: Respect, Responsibility and Success.

We recognise the significant influence parents and caregivers have on their child's character and behaviour, and the importance of working in partnership with them to support the core rules of our school.

For more information and resources, visit the NSW anti-bullying website.


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